Franzis Engels Gallery

Contemporary art, a caress for the eye and food for the soul.


Franzis Engels Gallery

In 2008, the year of the great crisis when many galleries closed their doors, Franzis Engels opened her heart and her home to artists she knew from her social network. In the beginning, there were four exhibitions a year. Each opening was a big party for a whole weekend. The idea was to celebrate art in a homely environment, a contemporary four-storey mansion, where more than 100 works were exhibited each time. A wide variety of artists were attracted, the principle was art is ART, talk about it, but more importantly, celebrate it. The initiative grew to 6 or 7 exhibitions a year, each lasting 6 weeks. A full-time occupation for initiator Franzis Engels.

In 2014, after more than 25 exhibitions, where more than 100 artists had shown their work, it was time for a change. The initiative changed into a gallery, the space was adapted to optimise the presentation in the living quarters on the one hand and a white-cube exhibition space on the top floor. The name was changed to Galerie Franzis Engels.

The gallery is now known for emerging and established artists exploring a fantastic range of materials, processes and techniques. The works are fresh and surprising - made with a love for art.

In recent years, the emphasis has increasingly been on providing a platform for mainly Dutch and Belgian artists. Participation in foreign fairs is also limited. Staying close to home in the choice of artists and fairs saves considerably on the gallery's ecological footprint.

But as in the beginning, art is celebrated in all its amazing diversity.

The gallery is within walking distance from Amsterdam Central Station. You can also take bus 22 to Wittenburgergracht (next to Oosterkerk). Opposite the church, next to the pedestrian bridge, you will see the gallery.