John & Marine van Vlissingen Art Foundation

Supporting contemporary art


John & Marine van Vlissingen Art Foundation

Van Vlissingen Art Foundation was founded in 2008 by art lovers John and Marine Fentener van Vlissingen - de Pourtalès and has been supporting talented Dutch contemporary visual artists ever since.

A selected artist goes on a trip for inspiration for new work. The trip and the new work are described in a book in the Inspiration series, published by Waanders. The book, together with the new work, is presented to a large audience during an exhibition in a museum.

Previously, the Foundation has supported:

Eppe de Haan (2009)
Peter Blokhuis (2010)
Scarlett Hooft Graafland (2012)
Tomas Hillebrand (2013)
Erik de Bree (2014)
Nathalie Duivenvoorden (2015)
Vincent Mock (2016)
Bastiaan Woudt (2017),
Sophie Steengracht (2018)
Rinske Former (2019)
Geertje van de Kamp (2020)
Floris Felix (2021)
Marie Reintjes (2022)
Jan Kuhlemeier (2023)

This year, the Foundation is supporting contemporary artist Casper Waaijer.